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Demand creates supply!

In our catalog you find costumes, which have long been looking for!
It costums gain new owners and received a second life on the dance floor!
Quickly open the catalog and dive into the world of ballroom costumes!

Каталог бальных платьев

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Name: Александра Махотина
Phone: +79103789367
E-mail: Leksa00793@mail.ru
Where can I try on: Кострома
Views: 2820
Cost: 10000
Type: Платье
Program: Latin
Category: Взрослые
Colour: Черный
Size: 46-48
Height: 160
Gems: Корея, пришивные и клеевые
Crosslinked in: -
Condition: идеальное
2 сменные юбки